Sunrise on the Maumee

Sunrise on the Maumee

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bloom and Song

This has been such a beautiful week.  
Some of my favorite flowers are blooming in the yard.

Tulips near the patio 
(others farther from the patio are just rabbit and deer snacks).

The Blood Root near the garage has been spreading steadily every year.

This poor Blood Root was planted under the Choke cherry tree by the sun room several years before the plant by the garage.  
Obviously, the conditions are not optimal.  It's amazing this one still survives.

Yesterday was the first visit to Oak Openings for the monitoring season.  There were no blooms to count, but this little chipping sparrow serenaded us near the parking lot.

There were several Eastern Towhees singing "Drink your tea" in the Vasvery meadow.  

I'm tickled pink that I can capture reasonable photos with my new camera. 

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