Sunrise on the Maumee

Sunrise on the Maumee

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Desert Honey

     We were in Phoenix earlier in the month for some much needed sun.  My friend Kim was kind enough to clear her schedule and take me on a hike in the Usery Mountains.  It was a beautiful day.  The poppies and lupine were blooming.  I was happy to be burning off a few calories from the delicious food we had been eating.

When we reached the top - a place called Windy Cave - there were bees everywhere.  I have seen plenty of porous rock in that part of the world, but I had never seen bee hives in the rock.  The honeycombs were visible from several of the openings.

     I mentioned the bees to other friends later in the week and they mentioned that a majority of bees in the area were being hybridized by killer bees.  The bees in Windy Cave were not bothering anyone, thankfully.  Maybe they were too busy gathering pollen from the poppies and lupine.  I'll suggest another trail next year.


  1. OK. That is cool. Can you give us an idea of the scale?

  2. The opening was approximately 2 by 2 feet - with nary a drop of honey falling.

  3. Holy Kamoly. Then that was a big operation.
