Sunrise on the Maumee

Sunrise on the Maumee

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lessons to be learned...

...or not.  

     About two weeks ago Hudson and I took a late afternoon walk at Secor Park.  As we approached a wooded area I saw a raptor dart across the path.  He was too chunky to be a Cooper or Sharp-shinned, and too small (and in the wrong place) to be a Red-tailed.  It turns out he was a Barred Owl - the first time I have seen this species in the wild.  

     Once again, I was caught without a camera capable of capturing a reasonable image.  The Cannon point and shoot I use for monitoring would have suited.  It certainly is easily enough dropped in a coat pocket.  On the other hand, those pockets are filled with keys, dog poop bags, facial tissues, and a phone.  

     In all likelihood, phone cameras will eventually be able to do the job.  In the meanwhile, I'll try to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Ah well. So you didn't have the best equipment.
    Whoooooo could have known you'd see an owl?
    You got the shot.
    It's all good :)
