Sunrise on the Maumee

Sunrise on the Maumee

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Real Pokemon

Patrick stayed with us again last week and we continued our Pokemon adventures.    
One of my favorites is Venonat.  I caught him at a Mudhen's game.

Oddish is a grass type,  so we most often saw him on our many trips to the Metroparks.

We ran into this guy on one of the paths at Wildwood.  
He's a Spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar.  
The theory is that he's trying to imitate a snake to scare away birds who might eat him.  
Patrick wasn't buying it.
I thought he looked like a real world Pokemon.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Fifty years ago, my Mother recorded in my baby book that my first friend was Lora Wooten. 
It's been wonderful to be a part of her wonderful family over the years.
Last Saturday was her daughter's bridal shower and I don't think she could have been happier.

That's Emily and her fiancé Tony.  
He just took a job at the University of Toledo, so they'll be in town a while.

Her son, Josh, was married to a wonderful woman four years ago.  He's just to the right of his father.
Her other daughter Rachael was married in the spring and will be expecting a daughter of her own in the fall.  
Plenty to be joyful for.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Yellow Team

Patrick stayed with us this past week.  
He has been playing Pokemon Go since it came out last month.  
I love the fact that it inspires him to go places and walk.  
We've been to several parks, the Zoo, the Botanical Garden and the Art Museum. 

Yesterday morning Patrick slept in a bit, while I went monitoring.  
We looked for Purple Fringed Orchid in places it had not been seen for a while.
Jerry worked for many years at Oak Openings and knew exactly where most of the sites were.
There was one site he was not familiar with, however.

We walked quite a way along a deep ravine, wondering if we would find the right spot.  We knew we had when we came across E.D.  He is a local orchid expert.  
Unfortunately, he confirmed there were no orchids except at the locations we found them in last week.

We did find many yellow things, however.
A yellow spider near the creek

A yellow mushroom

A yellow Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

Patrick and I went to Grumpy's for lunch.  
He helped me download the Pokemon Go app and sign up for ...
the yellow team - his team and a fitting one given all the yellow I had encountered.

We had a nice time walking around the ball park and the convention center and a few of the parks downtown.  
We ended the afternoon cooling off in the air conditioning of the library - sitting just outside the McMaster Auditorium.